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The Impact of COVID-19 on Advance Directives

The Impact of COVID-19 on Advance Directives

COVID-19 has brought renewed importance to advance care planning and directives. Responses to vaccinations and understanding their efficacy, reinfection potential, and long-haul symptoms resulting from COVID-19 continue to baffle our scientific understanding. It appears the coronavirus will continue to challenge…

Planning for Veteran Benefits

Planning for Veteran Benefits

For Veterans preparing for retirement, there are a wide variety of benefits programs that provide financial support and health care. Programs include but are not limited to: Veterans’ Health Care and Veterans’ Pensions Survivor’s Death Pension Housebound Pension Aid and…

An Aging Workforce Can Help Alleviate Labor Shortages

An Aging Workforce Can Help Alleviate Labor Shortages

While many older Americans want to work, the April 2020 unemployment rate for those 55 and older reached 13.6 percent. COVID-19 restrictions and associated layoffs account for some unemployment increases, but so does the lack of employment opportunities among older…

Charitable Trusts Can Provide Income to Heirs

Charitable Trusts Can Provide Income to Heirs

An irrevocable trust that benefits a charity and also provides income to the heirs is a charitable trust. If you are philanthropically minded with nonessential assets like stocks or real estate, a charitable trust can offer many financial advantages for…

Is Your Doctor No Longer Covered By Your Health Insurance?

Is Your Doctor No Longer Covered By Your Health Insurance?

Visiting the doctor involves more than just casual small talk. Often, you must explain your ailment quickly and succinctly, trust that your doctor has your best interests at heart and will keep your confidentiality; and make yourself vulnerable and talk…

Hackable Devices That Are in Everyday Use

Hackable Devices That Are in Everyday Use

Many seniors are taking advantage of the internet of things (IoT) thanks to embedded electronic devices, and these technologies have created many conveniences. It is becoming increasingly common for everyday items like refrigerators, thermostats, and doorbells to be internet-connected making…

In America, Elder Care Is Incredibly Expensive

In America, Elder Care Is Incredibly Expensive

In America, being healthy and secure as you age is very expensive on many levels. The financial toll for millions of the elderly and those families who do their best to care for and support them. Long-term care facilities and…

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