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inter-generational living

Inter-Generational Living May Be the Key to Long Life

Master plans for inter-generational community living models are changing the shape of the aging experience from the ages of 8 up to 80 years of age and beyond. Dubbed “new urbanism” it is the belief that a living environment with…

How Healthy Aging and Family Connections Are Related

One cannot overstate the importance of family presence in a senior’s life. Family creates a consistent social network and connection that directly impacts the senior’s overall quality of life. Prioritizing family relationships provides continuity as a senior experiences change in…


Government Accountability Office Reviews Nursing Home Ratings

Ranking member of the Senate Committee on Veteran’s Affairs, Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana), along with Senators Edward J. Markey and Elizabeth Warren (both Democrats from Massachusetts) are requesting a formal review by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) of the rating…

elder abuse

Identifying and Stopping Elder Abuse

According to the American Psychological Society, elder abuse is the infliction of physical, emotional/psychological, sexual or financial harm on an older adult. Elder abuse can also take the form of intentional or unintentional neglect of an older adult by the…

fall prevention

The Latest on Senior Fall Prevention

One of the most common injury producers are seniors experiencing accidental falls. Debilitating injuries range from short-term sprains, bumps, and bruises to fractures and head traumas which may require hospitalization. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that…

estate planning

Estate Planning 101

When it comes to establishing wills and estate plans, older Americans outpace their younger counterparts. Still, a significant number — 19 percent of those over age 72 and 42 percent of those between 53 and 71, according to survey data…

family caregiving

How You Should View Family Caregiving

Doesn’t it make sense for a family member to care for a senior who needs help at home, rather than paying someone else or an agency? Or uprooting the senior into an institution? The family member can pay the bills,…

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