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Parkinson's Disease

Groundbreaking Research Discoveries on Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes a progression of symptoms including, body tremors, limb rigidity, Bradykinesia (slow movement), as well as balance and gait problems. The cause of Parkinson’s disease (PD) remains largely unknown. One well-known indicator of…

elder abuse

The Right Way to Address Senior Abuse

If you have an elderly family member or friend living in an assisted living or skilled nursing facility, it is imperative to stay attuned to the signs of abuse to your loved one. The National Center on Elder Abuse reports…

social security disability

The Ins and Outs of Social Security Disability

Anyone can become either temporarily or permanently disabled. Some projections are estimating that Americans in their 20s today have an approximate 30 percent chance of experiencing a disability profound enough to cause them to miss three or more months of…

continuing care

Continuing Care at Home Rises in Popularity

Decades ago in America, it was prevalent that extended family members lived near to one another, providing a system of general support and care for the family young and old. Now many families live far out of reach from the…

gift taxes

What You Should Know About Gift Taxes

The gift tax is a tax on the transfer of assets, cash or property, to another without receiving something of equal value. The asset has to be of a certain value for the tax to apply; otherwise, it falls under…


What Happens When a Spouse Becomes a Caregiver?

Caring for a seriously ill spouse can trigger relationship challenges.  In the process of change, you can lose your best friend, your love, and your future as you both had imagined it. Promises will change from words spoken in oath…


Protecting Elderly Veterans from Scams

Elder abuse scams are everywhere, but they are reaching a new level of sophistication in targeting their potential victims. Forbes is reporting about the problem that unscrupulous scam artists are contacting veterans and service members pretending to collect money to…


Congress Updates Spousal Impoverishment Protections

Federal spousal impoverishment protections were set to lapse in March 2019. Two bills were proposed to deal with that issue. H.R. 1343 is still sitting in the House, but H.R. 3253 was enacted on August 6, 2019. H.R. 1343, or…

aging parent

Consider These Topics When Caring for an Aging Parent

It is essential to bring up a parent’s aging expectations and set goals together even though initial discussions may be uncomfortable. Often, an exploration into a parent’s future thoughts about health, finances, and residential plans can make the difference between…


Millennials Misunderstand Social Security

When the US federal government established its social insurance program on August 14, 1935, its purpose was to provide retirement, disability, and survivors’ benefits. Since that time, in part due to the disappearance of extended family networks, an increase in…

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