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New Trends in Living Options for Seniors

New Trends in Living Options for Seniors

Housing options for seniors are undergoing exciting changes. In 2018 senior housing occupancy fell to an eight-year low, even as the senior population continues to increase, as competition for the younger baby boomer market is ramping up and forcing a…

Hackable Devices That Are in Everyday Use

Hackable Devices That Are in Everyday Use

Many seniors are taking advantage of the internet of things (IoT) thanks to embedded electronic devices, and these technologies have created many conveniences. It is becoming increasingly common for everyday items like refrigerators, thermostats, and doorbells to be internet-connected making…

Latest Technology in Home Healthcare for Veterans

Latest Technology in Home Healthcare for Veterans

New innovations in-home healthcare funded by The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) delivers cost-effective, quality care for veterans. Although the agency has long been mired in controversies surrounding its programs, particularly arbitrary caregiver dismissals, the home health services sector of…

Information to help seniors become more tech savy

Information to help seniors become more tech savy

 We currently live in a world of the Internet of Things (IoT). Embedded electronics with internet connectivity simplify tasks and are a pervasive part of our daily lives. Typically, the younger generations are very adept at navigating the IoT while…

Help Lower the Risk of Seniors Falling

Help Lower the Risk of Seniors Falling

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports one out of five senior falls causes a serious injury like a broken bone or head trauma. Injuries of this sort can make life difficult for an older person to…

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