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Year End (New Year) Resolutions

Too often clients come to me when they have their backs against the wall faced with a difficult situation. Whether it is mom or dad, your husband or wife, or your best friend, people tend to not look to the horizon when it comes to long-term care planning. Spend a few hours of your time being proactive and you may find that you can prevent disaster, protect your hard-earned nest egg, and provide for your loved ones. With that in mind, here are a few ways you can be smart and plan ahead for 2019:

1) When is the last time you updated your Last Will and Testament? Better still, do you even have an estate plan?

2) Check your bank accounts and investment funds to make sure that you have verified your beneficiary designations.

3) Set a meeting with your insurance professional and make sure that you are properly insured.

4) Call your accountant and find out how the new tax laws may impact your 2018 tax return. That big tax refund you were counting on may not be quite so big after all.

Life is never static and things change. Do not make the mistake of thinking that your existing plan still accomplishes your goals. Nobody can predict what tomorrow will bring, so TAKE ACTION NOW and start the New Year off on the right foot.

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